Assemblea Generale di Yes Forum

Assemblea Generale di Yes Forum

Si svolgerà in data 3 maggio l’Assemblea Generale di Yes Forum, a Bruxelles, alla quale parteciperanno Mirco Trielli e Maria Lorenzini. Sarà questa l’occasione per presentare GIO.NET quale nuovo membro associato di Yes Forum

Schermata 2017-04-27 alle 08.48.14

Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui.


Associate member

GIONET is an association constituted in 2016 as the result of the natural evolution of a path of collaboration among some institutions active in the private social environment and professional education in the setting of some European projects. GIONET is an association that gathers different institutions that work for youth, directly and through related services, in the local social environment. The partners are connected by the common commitment consisting in the improvement of the life opportunities of young people, promotingsocial inclusion by transnational activities and the sharing of good practices.

The association organizes congresses, seminars and actions of co-planning between private and public institutions. It is a place to share experiences and experimentation of innovative projects both at national and European level, through European projects.

Info sull'autore

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